jessie lee-bauder jessie lee-bauder

Our AAPI Reading List

As beloved elder Yuri Kochiyama reminds us, “we are all part of one another”. Locally, nationally, and globally, we will all do better when we refuse to let each other be left behind.

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jessie lee-bauder jessie lee-bauder

Introducing our newest cohort

This group of organizers and advocates is working to ensure our communities are heard, empowered, and represented in decision making spaces. We’re using the space to strengthen our collective approaches to decision making, and support each other as we advocate for policies and practices that are shaped by community needs and expertise.

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Our opportunity to expand democracy in Minneapolis

At Voices for Racial Justice, we trust everybody to know what they need to thrive. The people who are most impacted by the decisions and policies made by our elected officials are also the people who are most aware of how policies could be made to support dignity and joy. We believe that in a racially equitable democracy, every community member is not only represented, but also empowered to actively participate in shaping the policies and decisions that impact us every day. Our communities are stronger when we can have a direct say in the policies that govern our lives.

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Grounding in the midst of uncertainty, grief, and empire

Ask yourself, “Does this serve liberation?”

This doesn’t mean, “Does this make me comfortable?” or even, “is this the most correct?” Instead, it means, “Does this support my ability to act with compassion and integrity? Does it strengthen my clarity and resilience?”

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