Offerings in grief & solidarity

November is American Indian Heritage Month. This month, we are reflecting on the violence and trauma of settler colonialism and the ongoing genocide visited on people whose lands have been stolen. We honor their self-determination and challenge ourselves to uproot our own complicity.

As organizers and as people who have been impacted - across issues and identities - by the deadly machine of empire, we join the people of occupied Palestine and their allies of all faiths and nationalities in calling for a ceasefire. 

Here are the stories and statements that have helped us make meaning and move from despair to action: 

  • ‘Kindness’ by Naomi Shihab Nye

  • “I am terrified that so many never asked themselves the basic question: do I really believe that Palestinian lives are equal to Jewish lives? For too many, the answer is a resounding No. But they are neither asked this question nor challenged on it. Instead, they are the ones in charge of asking questions.” A Palestinian Meditation in a Time of Annihilation

  • “We oppose the deliberate targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure. We mourn for all lives lost in Palestine over the last 75 years. We believe in a just world. We believe in Tikkun Olam – repairing the world. We believe that ‘Never Again’ means ‘Never Again for Anybody.’ We believe that the path to justice starts with justice, not retribution … We believe in, and are committed to working for, a world where all life is precious.” from Minneapolis: Anti-Zionist Jews Hold Solidarity Shiva for Palestinian and Israeli Lives Lost 

  • “In every Indigenous language in the world, there is a word meaning ‘we are all related.’ We are in a critical moment where we need to call upon our Indigenous knowledge and act upon that worldview, treating everyone as relatives. This moment requires us to act upon our values, so that a history of genocide does not continue to be repeated.” NDN COLLECTIVE CALLS FOR CEASE FIRE, END OF MILITARY AID TO ISRAEL

  • We were connected with most of these stories - and many more - through Guante’s Recommended Reading List. Read more here.


Embodiment & Justice: Somatic Resources


the chemistry between grief and hope